Upcoming Walks and Talks

May 18, 9 a.m. in the Skylands' lilac garden
Meet in the Lilac Garden at NJBG/Skylands about 9 a.m. for a morning of learning, fellowship, and work in the Lilac Garden. Bring rakes, pruners, and gloves.
May 18, 9 a.m. in the Skylands' lilac garden
Meet in the Lilac Garden at NJBG/Skylands about 9 a.m. for a morning of learning, fellowship, and work in the Lilac Garden. Bring rakes, pruners, and gloves.
September 10, 2019, The Mystery Writers' Garden (with a nod to Agatha Christie), Clifton Garden Club
May 5, 2020, Lovely Lilacs, Rockaway Valley Garden Club, Boonton Township Municipal Building, 11 a.m.
May 12, 2010, Gardens of the Garden State Gardens Consortium, Ramsey Area Garden Club, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Ramsey, NJ, 7 p.m.